Thursday, May 13, 2010

Seeking Support As A Stock Options And Forex Trader

It's been said many a time, trading is a lonely business. The truth to this statement lies in the support you seek. For many, trading will be a lonely business, but it may also be a frustrating one.
Seeking support from others is actually a natural process, and also a reciprocating affair. You should seek others support with the intention of having a mutual friendship, but also to make yourself accountable.
If you know what you're supposed to be doing with your trading but you aren't because you lack discipline, then you may need to find a few people to make you accountable. In other words, you list 10 things you're supposed to do this week, and tell them. If you break any of your rules, or don't do these 10 things, then you must confess. A forum is a great place to find these sorts of people, but do bear in mind, you must know what you want. Those that float aimlessly in trading can also bring other traders down with them.
Floating aimlessly in trading is the same as floating aimlessly through life. If you don't know what you want, where on earth are you going to go? Nowhere, you just float with no direction. This is a terrible curse to have, especially in the field of business.
Trading is a business and as such must be treated like one. If you decide to go into business for yourself, I would assume that you would put a lot of planning into it. You're probably going to try and seek help from professionals such as accountants and so on, but you also should seek support.
If you have family to support you, all good. If you don't then get out there and find people with similar ambitions. It's not hard, every major city throughout the world has groups of people who get together and discuss trading. Meeting with such people on a regular basis can aid you greatly in your planning and execution.
But most of all, have fun. I meet up with several groups and sometimes we don't even discuss trading. We'll start talking about something else, and before we know it, it's late. It's the bonding between a group of people that can have an uplifting effect on each individual

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