Have You Built Your Business So That Others Will Want to Invest in It? Every day I talk to entrepreneurs who hope to raise money for their businesses. For most of these people, their desires are little more than pipe dreams that will never come to fruition; but for a few, the dreams become reality. Do some people get capital because they are better dreamers? Or because they dream bigger? Or is it because they are more persistent? Is there a formula that some people follow that brings them great success? I've worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs and raised tens of millions of dollars, and I know that there is indeed a specific formula that successful entrepreneurs follow. I know this because there's a specific formula that successful investors follow. And the one type of business that investors will not invest in is a business that exists simply to create a job for the proprietor. Therefore, smart entrepreneurs take this critical information to heart and build businesses that investors perceive as businesses aE" not simply as opportunities for the entrepreneurs to give themselves jobs. Just this afternoon I received a call from an entrepreneur who had an idea for a business. Fortunately for the entrepreneur, I'm patient, because it took him nearly 10 minutes to describe the business before my questions to him made it possible for me to understand what his business venture was.
Lesson number one: Learn how to describe your venture in a sentence or two. If you can't describe the premise of your business in a sentence or two, investors will lose patience and they'll lose interest. The only reason that I hung on the phone for 10 minutes with this guy is because I've made my living working with entrepreneurs and helping them figure out what their deficiencies are. Any time an entrepreneur cannot describe his or her business to me distinctly, concisely, and quickly, I point this out to them, often to their dismay. Lesson number two: Build a business that provides a platform for investment. The entrepreneur had a problem with this, too, initially. During that same, introductory phone call, it became apparent that the entrepreneur was describing a business in which he would be the beneficiary of most of the invested funds in the form of a salary. Not that his salary was going to be large, but the business he described didn't involve the type of business development that would be attractive to an outside investor. I pointed out to him that the business model he was describing was very much of a consulting type of arrangement. I explained that it's difficult to raise money for these types of service businesses because of the perception that the entrepreneur is creating nothing more than a job for himself.
I told the entrepreneur that rather than building a service business, he should consider building a platform that other people could use to provide services and then own that platform. This model would work well for this particular entrepreneur because he worked in the computer programming business, and he was developing a certain type of software. I told him that if he managed to develop good software, he could build a platform and get a customer, and that customer then would prove to potential investors that he was developing a business worthy of their capital. In addition, I suggested that once he'd created a platform that he could sell over and over again, he should take some of his programming resources and do some consulting in addition to the main business of selling the use of the platform. This would create a second revenue stream, even though his main business would involve the development and selling of goods and services (which is representative of a business that could attract investment).
I can usually tell in 10 minutes if an entrepreneur is going to be successful and if he or she is going to be able to raise capital. I can tell this by the entrepreneur's willingness to be coached and to listen to someone with lots of experience. If the entrepreneur is unwilling to listen, then I wish them well and tell them that I hope they have great success. It's not my place to tell someone that they won't be able to raise capital because I don't know who someone knows or to whom they are related. What I do know is that if they go to an independent third party for funding, they will not succeed if they don't organize themselves in a specific way. It is my business to tell entrepreneurs how to organize themselves so that investors will say aEoeyes.aE� This particular entrepreneur was fascinated by my input. It was the first real feedback that he'd been given. One of the problems that entrepreneurs face is getting feedback that's real and useful. This happens because most of the people they talk to aren't in the business of providing feedback, and they may not be able to put their fingers on the problem.
It also happens because most of us tend to be nice. We nod our heads, we smile, and we silently make our decisions without giving any indication to the entrepreneur regarding what we really think. This happens because we don't want to be confrontational or because our mothers taught us when we were young that good manners meant avoiding criticism. The upshot is that entrepreneurs have a hard time getting feedback. I offer feedback candidly, and I don't hold back. And if entrepreneurs follow the advice that I give them aE" advice I've learned through years of attendance at the aEoeschool of hard knocksaE� aE" they'll have a better chance than the rest of their peers of acquiring the capital they seek. This particular entrepreneur took to heart the advice I gave him. He didn't, however, know how to go about moving forward aE" but that's a discussion for a different day. So if you are an entrepreneur who is looking for capital for your business, make sure that you are building a business in which an investor will want to invest. That means making sure that it's a real business and not simply a job that you make for yourself.
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