Sunday, May 23, 2010

CTS: Ending the Day with a Smile on your Face and on your Bank Account

The recorded history of early trade during the existence of early civilizations is through barter or the direct exchange of goods and services within an agreed rate (for instance, 4 pieces of apples can be exchanged to 3 pieces of oranges). The trade during early times is for the satisfaction of human needs, and not for any monetary value since the trade involves the direct exchange of products and without any trading medium.
The introduction of currency as a trading medium by the Aksumite Kingdom in northern Ethiopia started the conduct of trade that is focused on revenue generation. Early currencies used in trading such as gold, silver, and bronze coins or any other objects with value have evolved and later on became the paper money and credits that we are using today in modern trading.
Thus, different investors now see all kinds of trading as potential investments for revenue generation. The foreign exchange (FOREX) currency market is one of the more ideal investments nowadays, with over $1.3 trillion worth of turnovers daily. The same thing also applies with the commodities trading, which is also seen to be a potential for revenue generation even in the midst of market instability.
Commodities trading is defined as the exchange of the actual commodities and derivative products as well as the trade of its futures contracts. In other words, it is the buy and sell of contracts for a particular commodity to be traded. For instance, a farmer wants to sell his futures contract (which bears the delivery date of the commodity to the buyer at a pre-determined price) on his corn to a certain buyer. He will not harvest it for several months and he is guaranteed to receive the payment as stressed in the futures contract even its market value decreases.
On the other hand, the buyer will purchase the futures contract from the farmer and assured that he will get the commodity within the price as stressed in the contract even its market value increases.
Commodities trading is a potential for revenue generation, only that you need to learn the basics. Trading with the basics is like taking it out in the battle field with the necessary arsenals. Thus, to avoid losses in the future, every aspiring and neophyte trader must undergo a commodities trading course.
What can you expect when you undergo a commodities trading course? Here are some things that you can expect while undergoing your basic trading course:
� You will learn what is traded in commodities trading. Although the name implies that you are trading commodities, the course will help you understand why there is a need to trade commodities and how it contributes to the development of any local economies around the world. You will also learn the commodities that are usually traded in the market together with its actual market value.
� You will also learn more about futures contract. As mentioned earlier, it is the contract that is traded together with the commodities that sets several conditions of the trade between the buyer and the seller. Factors that affect the conditions stated in the futures contracts will also be a part of the course itself.
� Every market is volatile; therefore expect that market prices of different commodities may be stable today yet unstable for the next day. You will learn different market pressures that affect the futures prices of different commodities.
� You will also learn how to establish the trends in commodities trading through market news and analysis. This will give you an idea when to take a stand in a particular trade � whether it can give you profit or let you incur losses.
Taking a commodities trading course will help you achieve your ultimate goal � ending the day with a smile on your face and a fat paycheck on your bank account as well.

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